James Poulos
Human, Forever
The Digital Politics of Spiritual War
In a scorching, searching guide to saving our souls from the digital apocalypse, James Poulos shows how the swarm of programs and devices unleashed by our leaders has transformed our lives and defied our dreams, throwing the future into terrifying doubt. Rising above the din of the discourse, he reveals how the first generation of the digital age can retake control of our technology by restoring our full humanity—and how their parents must save them from the new cyborg system bent on ensuring they never come of age.
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Technology once made a god of America. Now America is technology's slave. What happened? And how do we reclaim our humanity?In a scorching, searching guide to saving our souls from the digital apocalypse, James Poulos shows how the swarm of programs and devices unleashed by our leaders has transformed our lives and defied our dreams, throwing the future into terrifying doubt. Scrambling for control at any price, today's ruling factions tempt us to grant them absolute power with utopian promises of superhuman autonomy and dystopian threats of subhuman servitude. But godlike fantasies and buglike nightmares won't snatch back our destiny from the jaws of the digital swarm. By turns autobiographical, philosophical, and polemical, Poulos holds a mirror of clarity up to the maelstrom of our collapsing world. Rising above the din of the discourse, he reveals how the first generation of the digital age can retake control of our technology by restoring our full humanity—and how their parents must save them from the new cyborg system bent on ensuring they never come of age.
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James Poulos creates and advises brands and enterprises at the intersection of technology, media, and design. He is the cofounder and executive editor of the American mind at the Claremont Institute and the cofounder and publisher of Return at New Founding.He is the author of the Art of Being Free and his work has appeared in the Claremont Review of Books, Le Figaro, National Affairs, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, among many other publications.He holds a PhD in government from Georgetown University and a BA in political science from Duke University. A fellow at the Center for the Study of Digital Life, he was previously the communications director at the Heraion Foundation, a veterans-run rescue and recovery nonprofit operating in failed and fragile states.He lives on the edge of Los Angeles.
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"One of America’s most eclectic intellectuals… read what James is writing today and wait for everyone else to catch up."
Rod Dreher, author, Live Not by Lies
"The only thinker today who treats technology with the seriousness it deserves as a world-warping power."
Alex Kaschuta, The Subversive Podcast
"The true threats to ‘our democracy’ do not wear red hats but designer hoodies. No previous oligarchic caste in human history has been so loudly lauded while presenting such a danger to human freedom. Poulos explains the threat, and points the way toward how to stop it."
Michael Anton, Hillsdale College
"Sharply attuned to tech but never bedazzled by its shiny surfaces. When he sounds a note of warning, listen."
Mary Harrington, UnHerd
"James Poulos is the corrective we desperately need to dethrone the disinformation elite. Vital."
Niccolo Soldo
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Other Works by James Poulos
An Ideology of Compliance, Tell Me What You Really Think #211, The American Mind
Imagine All the People, What's Left Podcast
How Bitcoin Can Immunize America from Cancel Culture, The New York Times
Cryptophobia, The American Mind
Imagine All the People, The New Atlantis
Technology and Natural Law, Anchoring Truths
Social Media, Social Credit, Social Contract, The American Mind
Governance by Sus, American Mindset
God and Man at Google, Claremont Review of Books
When Tech Gets Religion, American Mindset
Tech Doomerism and Superhumanism, Subversive Podcast
Apollo 11 and the End of Cosmis Civilization, Law and Liberty
McLuhanomics: The Medium versus the Market, American Affairs
A Tale of Two Media, American Compass
Great Books in a Digital Age?, National Affairs
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